Bouquet Subscription
Bring the gift of weekly fresh flowers to your home, your work or someone special in your life! This weekly subscription of flowers is available for pick up at Salt Farm (Trenton) or The Cup Coffee Shop at Sweet Pea’s (MDI/Bar Harbor), during our growing season. Sign up by the month (July, August, September) or a combination of months—whatever works best for you.
Pickup occurs each Tuesday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm at Salt Farm Flowers in Trenton; Sweet Pea’s Coffee Shop pickup is Wednesdays from 8am to 1:30pm. We can hold bouquets for one day (at Salt Farm Flowers) if necessary for early morning Wednesday pickup, starting at 8:30am until noon.
Bring the gift of weekly fresh flowers to your home, your work or someone special in your life! This weekly subscription of flowers is available for pick up at Salt Farm (Trenton) or The Cup Coffee Shop at Sweet Pea’s (MDI/Bar Harbor), during our growing season. Sign up by the month (July, August, September) or a combination of months—whatever works best for you.
Pickup occurs each Tuesday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm at Salt Farm Flowers in Trenton; Sweet Pea’s Coffee Shop pickup is Wednesdays from 8am to 1:30pm. We can hold bouquets for one day (at Salt Farm Flowers) if necessary for early morning Wednesday pickup, starting at 8:30am until noon.
Bring the gift of weekly fresh flowers to your home, your work or someone special in your life! This weekly subscription of flowers is available for pick up at Salt Farm (Trenton) or The Cup Coffee Shop at Sweet Pea’s (MDI/Bar Harbor), during our growing season. Sign up by the month (July, August, September) or a combination of months—whatever works best for you.
Pickup occurs each Tuesday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm at Salt Farm Flowers in Trenton; Sweet Pea’s Coffee Shop pickup is Wednesdays from 8am to 1:30pm. We can hold bouquets for one day (at Salt Farm Flowers) if necessary for early morning Wednesday pickup, starting at 8:30am until noon.
Please note: Once you have signed up for the subscription, no changes or refunds are available. If you are unable to continue picking up your share, consider gifting your bouquet to another individual.